Warning |
As of Jan 2019, this endpoint is undergoing some significant performance improvements and is likely to change, so please contact support@onlinephotosubmission.com for more information. |
URI: https://api.onlinephotosubmission.com/api/people/{id}
Example URI: https https://api.onlinephotosubmission.com/api/people/123 123
Example URI: https https://api.onlinephotosubmission.com/api/people/jon.doe@foo.edu?findBy=email
Example URI: https://api.onlinephotosubmission.com/api/people/A1234567?findBy=identifier
Optional URL Parameters:
(default id)
(default true)
or absent, any roles not explicitly granted will be removed
Note |
DEPRECATION NOTICE: Finding a person by email address or identifier (aka Student ID/Employee ID) without specifying the |
Optional URL Parameters: none
Example HTTP Request Body - All fields are optional
Code Block |
{ "email": "jon.doe@foo.edu", "identifier":"ABC123", "Some Custom Field Name":"Some Custom Field Value", "Another Custom Field Name":"Another Custom Field Value", "ROLE_DIRECTOR":false, "ROLE_OFFICE":true } |
Code Block | title |
Current Response (Likely to Change Soon)
collapse | true|
Code Block | |
200 OK { "accountExpired": false, "accountLocked": false, "activatedDate": null, "authorities": [ { "class": "com.campuscardtools.myphotoid.Role", "id": 3, "authority": "ROLE_CARDHOLDER" } ], "currentPhoto": { "aspectRatio": 0.9915966387, "classifications": [], "domainClass": "com.campuscardtools.myphotoid.Photo", "id": 11982, "isAspectRatioCorrect": true, "links": { "bytes": "https://test.cloudcardtools.com/api/photos/jflsdkjflf/bytes" }, "lowestClassification": null, "originalPhoto": null, "person": {...}, "publicKey": "jflsdkjflf", "status": "DONE" }, "customFields": { "Name": { "class": "com.campuscardtools.myphotoid.CustomFieldValue", "id": 11790, "customField": {...}, "lastUpdated": "2018-01-12T18:21:27Z", "person": {...}, "value": "Abe Lincoln" } }, "dateTermsAccepted": null, "domainClass": "com.campuscardtools.myphotoid.Person", "email": "bacon@test.edu", "emailsReceived": 2, "enabled": true, "id": 19674, "identifier": "bacon", "latestPhoto": null, "organization": { "id": 38, "domainClass": "com.campuscardtools.myphotoid.Organization", "name": "Test Univ", "isPaid": true, "termsOfService": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, ...", "photoRequirements": [], "customFields": [ { "name": "Name" } ], "customCssUrl": null, "useEmailAsUsername": true, "usePersonIdentifier": true, "personIdentifierLabel": "ID Number", "downloadStrategy": {...}, "aspectRatio": {...}, "preventMultiplePhotos": false, "approvalsPerDay": null, "approvalsMadeToday": 0, "canApproveMorePhotosToday": true, "allowAutoCrop": false, "allowAutoRotate": false }, "passwordExpired": false, "passwordResetRequired": false, "readOnly": false, "username": "bacon@test.edu" } | |
title |
Proposed Response (Not Currently in Production)
Code Block |