- Green: Helper Bot is confident this is a good ID photo.
- Red: Helper Bot is confident this photo would not be good for identification.
- Orange: Helper Bot isn't sure enough to make a decision.
- Grey: Helper Bot hasn't had a chance to look at this photo yet.
Helper Bot Settings:
- Send Automatic Feedback: Once Helper Bot has graded a photo, he will let the student know what he thinks of the photo. Students who have bad photos will find out quicker, and hopefully be able to fix their photo before a human sees it.
- Allow Automatic Approval: Helper Bot will automatically approve photos it thinks are good, and send an email to the student letting them know their photo was approved.
- Allow Automatic Denial: Helper Bot will automatically deny photos it thinks are bad, and send an email to the student asking them to upload a new photo.
- Allow Automatic Rotation: Helper Bot is able to automatically rotate photos. Photos taken with an iPhone are especially prone to arrive sideways. Helper Bot looks at all four orientations of a photo, and picks which one is the best.
- Allow Automatic Cropping: