- Green: Helper Bot is confident this is a good ID photo.
- Red: Helper Bot is confident this photo would not be good for identification.
- Orange: Helper Bot isn't sure enough to make a decision.
- Grey: Helper Bot hasn't had a chance to look at this photo yet.
Helper Bot Settings:
- Send Automatic Feedback: Once Helper Bot has graded a photo, he will let the student know what he thinks of the photo. Students who have bad photos will find out quicker, and hopefully be able to fix their photo before a human sees it.
- Allow Automatic Approval: Helper Bot will automatically approve photos it thinks are good, and send an email to the student letting them know their photo was approved.
- Allow Automatic Denial: Helper Bot will automatically deny photos it thinks are bad, and send an email to the student asking them to upload a new photo.
- Allow Automatic Rotation: Helper Bot is able to automatically rotate photos. Photos taken with an iPhone are especially prone to arrive sideways. Helper Bot looks at all four orientations of a photo, and picks which one is the best.
- Allow Automatic Cropping:
You can also customize the confidence of Helper Bot. He gives every photo a score as a decimal between 0 and 1. If a photo's score is above the "Approval Threshold", Helper Bot will mark it as green, and automatically approve it if you allow him to. Likewise, if a photo's score is below the "Denial Threshold", Helper Bot will mark it as red, and automatically deny it if you allow him to. Anything in between the two thresholds will be marked orange. Feel free to customize the score if you think Helper Bot is not as accurate as he should be.