Versions Compared


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Competence & Performance Assessment

The skills and competence of employees and contractors shall be assessed by human Human resources staff and the hiring manager or his or her designees shall assess the skills and competence of employees and contractors as part of the hiring process. Required skills and competencies shall be listed in job descriptions and requisitions , and/or aligned with the responsibilities outlined in the Roles and Responsibilities Policy. Competency evaluations may include reference checks, education and certification verifications, technical testing, and interviews.


Management Responsibilities

Management shall be responsible for ensuring ensure that information security policies and procedures are reviewed annually, distributed and available, and that employees and contractors abide by those policies and procedures for the duration of their employment or engagement. Annual policy review shall include a review of any linked or referenced procedures, standards or guidelines.

Management shall ensure that information security responsibilities are communicated to individuals , through written job descriptions, policies, or some other documented method which that is accurately updated and maintained. Compliance with information security policies and procedures and fulfillment of fulfilling information security responsibilities shall be evaluated as part of the performance review process wherever applicable.

Management shall consider excessive pressures , and opportunities for fraud when establishing incentives and segregating roles, responsibilities, and authorities.


Employee and contractor termination and offboarding processes shall ensure that physical and logical access is promptly revoked in accordance with company SLAs and policies , and that all company-issued equipment is returned.

Any security or confidentiality agreements which that remain valid after termination shall be communicated to the employee or contractor at the time of termination.

Disciplinary Process


Any known violations of this policy should be reported to the Managing Director. Violations of this policy can result in immediate withdrawal or suspension of system and network privileges and/or disciplinary action in accordance with company policies up to and including termination of employment.





Approved by



First Version

Ryan Heathcote

Luke Rettstatt



Second Version

Luke Rettstatt

Luke Rettstatt