Release History:
see: Release Notes
Standard Change Process:
- Changes will released first to the test environment. Each release will have a unique version number based on the date/time of release to test.
- All customers may access the test instance using their production credentials.
- Changes will include a due date which will clearly communicate the date the change is expected to enter production.
- Changes will be available on test for at least one business day for review by all interested parties prior to release to production.
- Customers may request more time to review changes if they feel a change may affect their business processes. CloudCard will generally grant all requests within reason.
Routine Changes
The CloudCard service undergoes many routine changes daily, including but not limited to increases and decreases in the number of application servers. Some of these changes are automated and reporting on these changes would be cumbersome and not useful. As such, we will not report routine changes to the production environment.
Emergency Changes
While we understand that timely reporting and predictable processes are important, we always prioritize service restoration over process and status reporting. As such, we will not over-burden developers and system engineers with process and reporting requirements when timely changes and focused attention are necessary to fix a serious, existing problem. We understand the inconvenience that may cause and apologize in advance.
Good Judgement
We understand that our foresight is limited, and we cannot predict every possible eventuality. As such, in the event that anything in this process is, in our good judgement, deemed to be detrimental to the best interests of majority of our customers, we waive the right to modify or disregard the detrimental portion of the process.
Good Faith
We have outline these processes in good faith; however, they may not be taken, in whole or in part, to constitute a contractual or legal obligation between any two or more parties, including but not limited to Cloud Card, LLC.