This Example Project demonstrates how to consume this API endpoint within a C# project.
URI:{ id | email | identifier }
Example URI:
Example URI:
Example URI:
Optional URL Parameters: findBy=[id|email|identifier] (default id)
DEPRECATION NOTICE: Finding a person by email address or identifier (aka Student ID/Employee ID) without specifying the findBy
parameter is still supported but has been deprecated, and will no longer be supported on or after April 1, 2019.
HTTP Method: GET
Required Headers: X-Auth-Token (see: Authentication)
200 OK { "accountExpired": false, "accountLocked": false, "activatedDate": null, "additionalPhotoRequired": false, "additionalPhotos": { "Government Issued ID": null }, "authorities": [ { "authority": "ROLE_CARDHOLDER", "defaultMappedFields": [ "authority", "id", "version" ], "errors": { "errors": [] }, "excludedFields": [ "grailsApplication", "springSecurityService", "messageSource" ], "id": 3, "version": 0 } ], "canSwitchOrganizations": false, "canViewOrganizationList": false, "currentPhoto": { "aspectRatio": 1.0, "classifications": [ { "id": 257974, "score": 0.9263, "requirementName": "HelperBot" } ], "domainClass": "com.campuscardtools.myphotoid.Photo", "helperBotReviewed": true, "id": 552814, "isAspectRatioCorrect": true, "links": { "bytes": "" }, "lowestClassification": 0.9263, "originalPhoto": { "id": 552812, "publicKey": "...", "links": { "bytes": "" } }, "person": { "id": 235068, "username": "", "email": "", "identifier": "cia5348", "organization": { "id": 92, "name": "Test Org.", "photoRequirements": [...], "identifier": null, "badPhotoThreshold": 0.4, "goodPhotoThreshold": 0.8 }, "additionalPhotos": [], "additionalPhotoRequired": false }, "personHasApprovedPhoto": true, "publicKey": "...", "status": "READY_FOR_DOWNLOAD", "version": 171 }, "customFields": { "Notes": { "id": 586856, "value": "Brad Pitt" } }, "dateTermsAccepted": null, "domainClass": "com.campuscardtools.myphotoid.Person", "email": "", "emailGroup": { "id": 23, "name": "Default", "receivableEmails": "login,approval,denial,BAD,GOOD,MAYBE,welcome" }, "enabled": true, "homeOrganization": { "id": 92, "hasDescendents": false, "descendents": [] }, "id": 235068, "identifier": "cia5348", "links": null, "organization": { "id": 92, "domainClass": "com.campuscardtools.myphotoid.Organization", "name": "Test Org.", "isPaid": true, "termsOfService": "null", "photoRequirements": [...], "customFields": [ { "name": "Notes", "prompt": null, "sortOrder": 1, "showInList": true, "allowUserInput": false, "requireUserInput": false, "lastUpdated": "2018-12-18T21:05:18Z", "id": 100067, "version": 0 } ], "customCssUrl": "", "logoutUrl": null, "useEmailAsUsername": true, "usePersonIdentifier": true, "personIdentifierLabel": "ID Number", "downloadStrategy": { "id": "EXTERNAL", "name": "External Application" }, "downloadLabel": "Download Photos", "photoDimensions": { "width": 200, "height": 200, "description": "200:200 (1:1)", "id": 3, "version": 0 }, "preventMultiplePhotos": false, "approvalsPerDay": 0, "approvalsMadeToday": 0, "canApproveMorePhotosToday": true, "emailReplyTo": "Hello From CloudCard <>", "helperBotDelay": 1000, "additionalPhotoTypes": [ { "errors": { "errors": [] }, "name": "Government Issued ID", "notBound": false, "prompt": "Do IT!", "required": false } ] }, "passwordExpired": false, "passwordResetRequired": false, "readOnly": false, "unsubscribe": false, "username": "" }