Bulk Archive People

URI: https://api.cloudcard.us/api/people/created-after/{YYYY-MM-DD}/created-before/{YYYY-MM-DD}
Example: https://api.cloudcard.us/api/people/created-after/2000-01-01/created-before/2019-03-20

HTTP Method: PUT
Required Headers: X-Auth-Token (see: Authentication)
Optional URL Parameters: N/A

Test Request (RECOMMENDED)

It is strongly recommended that you send a test request first, by specifying ”action”: “test” in your request body. This will return a list of the people who were created before/after the specified dates.

Example HTTP Test Request Body
{ "action": "test" }
200 ACCEPTED [ { "id": 10, "email": "cardholder@sharptop.co", "identifier": "112werfg", "dateCreated": "2019-10-17T14:50:17Z", "active": false } ]

Bulk Archive Request

Example HTTP Archive Request Body

{ "action": "archive" }