Bulk Import / Create Cardholders

Bulk Import / Create Cardholders

This documentation applies to version 23.02.03.xx or later, which is scheduled to be released in February 2023.

This process allows you to import/update many cardholders from a CSV file. Before starting this process, you should create a CSV file (presumably by exporting from Banner, PeopleSoft, etc). Here's an example CSV file.

  1. On the CloudCard Admin homepage, click on the "People" button, which takes you to the Person Search page.

  2. On the Person Search page, click on "Bulk Import" at the top.

  3. Click on the large button in the center of the screen, and select a CSV file from your computer.  (See CSV Format)

  4. Select the cardholders to who the Welcome Email should be sent

  5. Select the default action to execute for all rows that do not specify an action

  6. Select Yes for "Has header row" if the CSV file has a header row, i.e. the "email,id" row in the first line of the above example.  Otherwise, select No.  A header row is not required.

  7. The Advanced options should only be used in very specific use cases. Contact Support if you have questions.

  8. Select the "Field" for each column of data.  If the CSV has a header row, the application will attempt to map the fields for you; if so, make sure all mappings are correct.

  9. Click the import button.

  10. A status page will appear that will display the result of the bulk import.

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