Get People Report


This request can return a large amount of data (> 10 MB).

This endpoint returns a lightweight report of all people in your organization.



Optional URL Parameters: include={value},{value},{value},{value}
The optional include instructs the report to only include people whose database ID, email address, or customer identifier (i.e. Student ID Number) match a value in the list of comma separated values. See above example.

HTTP Method: GET

Optional HTTP Method: POST (allows you to post a list of database IDs, email addresses, or customer identifiers[i.e. Student ID Number] in the request body)

Required Headers: X-Auth-Token (see: Authentication)

Optional Headers: accept: text/csv (returns a comma separated values response)

Example HTTP Request Body (GET)
[Leave Empty]
Example HTTP Request Body (POST)
{ "include": [3,4,5,"","AB123"] }


Example JSON Response
200 OK [ { "id": 3, "email": "", "identifier": "123456", "enabled": true, "date_person_created": "2023-06-01T12:50:42Z", "date_photo_created": "2023-06-01T12:51:17Z", "First_Name": "John", "Last_Name": "Doe", "Campus": "Eastside" }, { "id": 42, "email": "", "identifier": "234567", "enabled": false, "date_person_created": "2023-04-06T12:50:42Z", "date_photo_created": "2023-05-01T12:51:17Z", "First_Name": "Jane", "Last_Name": "Doe", "Campus": "Westside" }, { "id": 14, "email": "", "identifier": "AB123", "enabled": true, "date_person_created": "2023-06-01T12:50:42Z", "date_photo_created": "2023-06-01T12:51:17Z", "First_Name": "Bob", "Last_Name": "Ross", "Campus": "PBS" } ... ]

Example CSV Response (with accept: text/csv request header)