

URI: https://api.cloudcard.us/organization/{id}

HTTP Method: GET

Required Headers: 

Example HTTP Request
Example Response
200 OK { "additionalPhotoTypes": [ { "class": "com.campuscardtools.myphotoid.AdditionalPhotoType", "id": 5, "name": "Government Issued ID", "organization": { "class": "com.campuscardtools.myphotoid.Organization", "id": 92 }, "prompt": "Please submit a photo of your government issued ID.", "required": false } ], "allowAutoApproval": false, "allowAutoCrop": true, "allowAutoDenial": false, "allowAutoRotate": true, "approvalsMadeToday": 0, "approvalsPerDay": 0, "badPhotoThreshold": 0.4, "customCssUrl": "https://sharptopco.github.io/cloudcard-custom-assets/blankcssfile.css", "customFields": [ { "class": "com.campuscardtools.myphotoid.CustomField", "id": 100065, "lastUpdated": "2018-12-06T17:33:46Z", "name": "Last Name", "organization": { "class": "com.campuscardtools.myphotoid.Organization", "id": 92 } }, { "class": "com.campuscardtools.myphotoid.CustomField", "id": 100064, "lastUpdated": "2018-12-06T17:33:31Z", "name": "First Name", "organization": { "class": "com.campuscardtools.myphotoid.Organization", "id": 92 } } ], "domainClass": "com.campuscardtools.myphotoid.Organization", "downloadLabel": "Download Photos", "downloadStrategy": { "id": "EXTERNAL", "name": "External Application" }, "emailDomain": null, "emailDomains": [], "emailReplyTo": "Hello From Card Services <cardservices@yourschool.edu>", "expirationMonth": null, "expirationYear": null, "expired": null, "goodPhotoThreshold": 0.8, "id": 92, "identifier": null, "isPaid": true, "name": "Test Org.", "personIdentifierLabel": "ID Number", "photoDimensions": { "class": "com.campuscardtools.myphotoid.PhotoDimensions", "id": 3, "description": "200:200", "height": 200, "width": 200 }, "photoRequirements": [ { "class": "com.campuscardtools.myphotoid.PhotoRequirement", "id": 440, "classifications": [], "classifierUrl": null, "hidden": false, "lastUpdated": "2017-12-11T21:34:12Z", "listIndex": 4, "organization": { "class": "com.campuscardtools.myphotoid.Organization", "id": 92 }, "requirement": "Must be positioned directly facing the camera", "uniqueName": "Face Camera" }, { "class": "com.campuscardtools.myphotoid.PhotoRequirement", "id": 442, "classifications": [ { "class": "com.campuscardtools.myphotoid.Classification", "id": 214714 }, { "class": "com.campuscardtools.myphotoid.Classification", "id": 122430 } ], "classifierUrl": "https://helper-bot.onlinephotosubmission.com/generic", "hidden": true, "lastUpdated": "2018-07-17T20:18:56Z", "listIndex": 6, "organization": { "class": "com.campuscardtools.myphotoid.Organization", "id": 92 }, "requirement": "Do not delete", "uniqueName": "HelperBot" }, { "class": "com.campuscardtools.myphotoid.PhotoRequirement", "id": 441, "classifications": [], "classifierUrl": null, "hidden": false, "lastUpdated": "2017-12-11T21:34:12Z", "listIndex": 5, "organization": { "class": "com.campuscardtools.myphotoid.Organization", "id": 92 }, "requirement": "Eyes should be open and looking at the camera", "uniqueName": "Look At Camera" }, { "class": "com.campuscardtools.myphotoid.PhotoRequirement", "id": 438, "classifications": [], "classifierUrl": null, "hidden": false, "lastUpdated": "2017-12-11T21:34:12Z", "listIndex": 2, "organization": { "class": "com.campuscardtools.myphotoid.Organization", "id": 92 }, "requirement": "Must be a color photo", "uniqueName": "Color Photo" }, { "class": "com.campuscardtools.myphotoid.PhotoRequirement", "id": 436, "classifications": [], "classifierUrl": null, "hidden": false, "lastUpdated": "2017-12-11T21:34:12Z", "listIndex": 0, "organization": { "class": "com.campuscardtools.myphotoid.Organization", "id": 92 }, "requirement": "Should be cropped slightly above head to middle of chest", "uniqueName": "Crop" }, { "class": "com.campuscardtools.myphotoid.PhotoRequirement", "id": 439, "classifications": [], "classifierUrl": null, "hidden": false, "lastUpdated": "2017-12-11T21:34:12Z", "listIndex": 3, "organization": { "class": "com.campuscardtools.myphotoid.Organization", "id": 92 }, "requirement": "Must not include sunglasses or hat", "uniqueName": "No Accessories" }, { "class": "com.campuscardtools.myphotoid.PhotoRequirement", "id": 437, "classifications": [], "classifierUrl": null, "hidden": false, "lastUpdated": "2017-12-11T21:34:12Z", "listIndex": 1, "organization": { "class": "com.campuscardtools.myphotoid.Organization", "id": 92 }, "requirement": "Should be taken against a plain, light background", "uniqueName": "Plain Background" } ], "preventMultiplePhotos": false, "sendAutomaticFeedback": true, "termsOfService": null, "useEmailAsUsername": true, "usePersonIdentifier": true }


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