Create a Person

This endpoint should only be used to create a person.  If you need to update a person, please refer to the Update a Person endpoint.

This Example Project demonstrates how to consume this API endpoint within a Java project.

This Example Project demonstrates how to consume this API endpoint within a C# project.



Required Headers: X-Auth-Token (see: Authentication)

Optional URL Parameters: 

  • sendInvitation=[true|false] default is true
    If sendInvitation is false, cardholders will not receive an email invitation.
    If sendInvitation is true (or not specified), an email invitation will be sent to the cardholder.

Example HTTP Request Body - Email Only

{ "email": "" }
Example HTTP Request Body - Setting other optional fields
{ "email": "", "identifier":"ABC123", "cardholderGroupName":"Online Students", "additionalPhotoRequired":true, "enabled":true, "customFields":{ "Last_Name":"Card", "First Name":"Carry A", "Upload Date":"2017 - 06 - 22 11:17AM", "Batch":"1" } }
Field Descriptions
Example Response (with ?renderResource=true)
201 created { "id": 577784, "dateCreated": "2022-01-31T18:34:57Z", "passwordResetRequired": false, "customFieldValues": [], "organization": { "id": 100133, "isPaid": true, "downloadLabel": "Download Photos", "allowAutoCrop": false, "logoutUrl": "", "allowAutoRotate": false, "allowAutoDenial": false, "allowDeprecatedEndpoints": false, "maxNumberOfInvitations": 0, "photoDimensions": { "id": 6, "width": 300, "height": 300, "description": "300:300 (1:1)", "domainClass": "us.cloudcard.api.PhotoDimensions", "version": 0, "value": 1.0, "longSide": 300, "shortSide": 300 }, "name": "Postman Test", "badPhotoThreshold": 0.4, "helpScoutBeacons": [], "allowAutoBackgroundReplacement": false, "sendEmailFrom": "Online Photo Submission <>", "identifier": null, "emailReplyTo": null, "approvalsPerDay": 10, "expirationDate": null, "backgroundColor": null, "parent": null, "allowAutoApproval": false, "termsOfService": null, "siteURL": "", "autoArchiveAction": null, "daysBetweenInvitations": 14, "lastUpdated": "2022-01-31T18:17:29Z", "backgroundImage": null, "sendAutomaticFeedback": false, "usePersonIdentifier": true, "emailDomains": [], "autoArchiveStatus": null, "additionalPhotoTypes": [], "defaultGroup": { "id": 108, "organization": { "id": 100133 }, "receivableEmails": ",empty", "name": "Default", "domainClass": "us.cloudcard.api.EmailGroup", "version": 0 }, "goodPhotoThreshold": 0.8, "personIdentifierLabel": "ID Number", "preventMultiplePhotos": false, "customCssUrl": "", "useEmailAsUsername": true, "helperBotDelay": 600000, "downloadStrategy": { "id": "ZIP", "name": "Zip File" }, "approvalsMadeToday": 0, "backgroundReplacementEnabled": false, "canApproveMorePhotosToday": true, "customFields": [], "photoRequirements": [ { "id": 100851, "listIndex": 0, "lastUpdated": "2019-04-26T20:30:09Z", "organization": { "id": 100133 }, "uniqueName": "Crop", "classifierUrl": null, "hidden": false, "requirement": "Should be cropped slightly above head to middle of chest", "version": 0, "domainClass": "us.cloudcard.api.PhotoRequirement" }, { "id": 100852, "listIndex": 1, "lastUpdated": "2019-04-26T20:30:09Z", "organization": { "id": 100133 }, "uniqueName": "Plain Background", "classifierUrl": null, "hidden": false, "requirement": "Should be taken against a plain, light background", "version": 0, "domainClass": "us.cloudcard.api.PhotoRequirement" }, { "id": 100853, "listIndex": 2, "lastUpdated": "2019-04-26T20:30:09Z", "organization": { "id": 100133 }, "uniqueName": "Color Photo", "classifierUrl": null, "hidden": false, "requirement": "Must be a color photo", "version": 0, "domainClass": "us.cloudcard.api.PhotoRequirement" }, { "id": 100854, "listIndex": 3, "lastUpdated": "2019-04-26T20:30:09Z", "organization": { "id": 100133 }, "uniqueName": "No Accessories", "classifierUrl": null, "hidden": false, "requirement": "Must not include sunglasses or hat", "version": 0, "domainClass": "us.cloudcard.api.PhotoRequirement" }, { "id": 100855, "listIndex": 4, "lastUpdated": "2019-04-26T20:30:09Z", "organization": { "id": 100133 }, "uniqueName": "Face Camera", "classifierUrl": null, "hidden": false, "requirement": "Must be positioned directly facing the camera", "version": 0, "domainClass": "us.cloudcard.api.PhotoRequirement" }, { "id": 100856, "listIndex": 5, "lastUpdated": "2019-04-26T20:30:09Z", "organization": { "id": 100133 }, "uniqueName": "Look At Camera", "classifierUrl": null, "hidden": false, "requirement": "Eyes should be open and looking at the camera", "version": 0, "domainClass": "us.cloudcard.api.PhotoRequirement" }, { "id": 100857, "listIndex": 6, "lastUpdated": "2019-04-26T20:30:09Z", "organization": { "id": 100133 }, "uniqueName": "Generic", "classifierUrl": "", "hidden": true, "requirement": "Must be a good photo", "version": 0, "domainClass": "us.cloudcard.api.PhotoRequirement" } ] }, "preArchiveEmail": null, "accountExpired": false, "roles": null, "dateArchived": null, "photos": null, "unsubscribe": false, "identifier": null, "emailGroup": { "id": 108, "organization": { "id": 100133 }, "receivableEmails": ",empty", "name": "Default", "domainClass": "us.cloudcard.api.EmailGroup", "version": 0 }, "preArchiveIdentifier": null, "dateTermsAccepted": null, "passwordExpired": false, "lastUpdated": "2022-01-31T18:34:57Z", "additionalPhotos": null, "additionalPhotoRequired": true, "quicksightArn": null, "preArchiveUsername": null, "username": "", "accountLocked": false, "activatedDate": null, "enabled": true, "email": "", "domainClass": "us.cloudcard.api.Person", "authorities": [ { "authority": "ROLE_CARDHOLDER" } ], "canViewOrganizationList": false, "canSwitchOrganizations": false, "customFields": {}, "homeOrganization": { "id": 100133, "hasDescendents": false, "descendents": [] }, "links": { "login": "" }, "email": "", "identifier": null, "username": "", "readOnly": false, "restorable": false, "status": "ACTIVE", "additionalPhotos": {}, "currentPhoto": null, "previouslyApprovedPhoto": null }