CloudCard Email Options

  1. We can create an email address just for your organization, i.e.  Then, we'll up that email address to forward any replies to your organizational email address, i.e.; so you will get responses from your cardholders directly in your regular email inbox.
  2. We can send emails through our email provider but from your address, i.e.  This tends to increase the percentage of cardholders who open and respond to the email invitations because it is coming from a trusted address.  To set this up, our email provider, Amazon Web Services, will send you a verification email confirming you authorize us to send emails from your email address.  This usually works well; however, some organizations with more strict email policies may need to:

    Some IT organizations do not permit the following changes, so some organizations may not be able to take advantage of this option.

    1. White list Amazon's email servers and/or

    2. Set up SPF or DKIM authentication

  3. We can fully disable email and allow your organization to control the entire email process by exporting email events, which you can use to populate email templates in your own external system.