Custom Themes
With the release of Version: 24.03.20, CloudCard would like to introduce a new feature called Theme Customization. Theme customization allows Super Directors and Admins to edit their interface to match the organization's marketing/branding guidelines.
Step-by-step instructions for navigating through Theme Customization will be listed below.
Navigating to Theme Customization
Click on Organizations
Search for your organization and choose it
Click on Administer
Click General Settings
Scroll down and select "Custom Theme"
Theme customization menu:
Feature Explanations
*Disclaimer: to add a logo through Theme Customization, a user must "save" the theme first for the logo upload portal to appear.
**Logo must be in the .png format
The following features can be customized:
App Header/Footer
Admin Header Color
Button Color
Button Hover Color
Header Border Enable/ Header Border Color
Sidebar Color
Sidebar Icon Color
Logo (click edit logo)
Additional CSS
For any additional CSS coding you would like to add to further customize beyond the choices above.
Export Theme CSS
For exporting the customization settings that were created above.