Bulk Action CSV Format

Bulk Action CSV Format

Required Columns

  • email

  • or identifier: The user’s ID Number in your system

Optional Columns

  • Custom Field Value
    The column name must exactly match the name of a predefined custom field on your organization

  • cardholderGroupName: the value must exactly match the name of a predefined cardholder group on your organization

  • additionalPhotoRequired

    1. true: this cardholder is required to submit all supporting documents defined by the organization (i.e. driver's license)

    2. false: this cardholder does not need to submit any supporting docs

    3. default: true

  • unsubscribe

    1. true: do not send non-transactional emails, i.e. Welcome Emails

    2. false: send all emails

    3. default: false

  • enabled 

    1. true: the user can access the application

    2. false: the user cannot access the application

    3. default: true

  • managerEmail: the email address of the Person Manager for this cardholder. If a Person Manager with this email address does not already exist, it will be created.

  • sendInvitation

    • TRUE: send the welcome email to this person

    • FALSE: do not send the welcome email to this person

    • null, empty, or any other value: use the default behavior defined by the invitationDefault form parameter

  • action

    • CREATE: only create this person. Throw an error if this person already exists

    • CREATE_OR_UPDATE: create this person or update them if they already exist

Example CSV - Simple
email,identifier tony.montana@company.net,00450631 john.smith@gmail.com,00450731 sally.smith@company.net,00450831 jane.doe@company.net,00450832 john.doe@company.net,00450833 william.wallace@company.net,00450834
Example CSV
email,identifier,Campus,Legal Name,cardholderGroupName,Card Type,managerEmail,sendInvitation,action tony.montana@company.net,00450631-demo,Alamo,Davy Crockett,Default,random-4439,gm@foo.edu,TRUE,create_or_update john.smith@gmail.com,00450731-demo,Alamo,William Travis,bacon,random-4998,gm@foo.edu,FALSE, sally.smith@company.net,00450831-demo,San Jacinto,Sam Huston,Default,random-4011,gm@foo.edu,null,create_or_update jane.doe@company.net,00450832-demo,San Jacinto,Sam Huston,Default,random-5012,gm@foo.edu,TRUE,create_or_update john.doe@company.net,00450833-demo,San Jacinto,Sam Huston,Default,random-7098,gm@foo.edu,FALSE,create william.wallace@company.net,00450834-demo,San Jacinto,Sam Huston,Default,random-7738,gm@foo.edu,,create

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